Links ADC Advanced Arduino ADC ATtiny85 ADC Getting the Full 10-bits from the ADC ATtiny85 ATtiny Component Sketches ATtiny85 ADC Bitwise operations in C -AVR Getting the Full 10-bits from the ADC Using the AVR’s High-speed PWM Waveform Generation using an ATtiny85 Books/Journals AVR Programming: Learning to Write Software for Hardware Computer Music Journal Leonardo Music Journal Make Your Own PCBs with EAGLE ByteBeat Algorithmic Music On Arduino Algorithmic Noise Machine Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code — how and why? Bytebeat contest Compilation of music formulas HTML5 Bytebeat Online Algorithmic generator windows 93 – Byte beat program inside Electronics Beginner’s guide to potentiometers Tips on how to properly design/layout a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Inspiration 16-Bit cityscapes JunkerHQ noirlac Rekall MIDI Essentials of the MIDI protocol MIDI & Synthesis: A quick Tutorial MIDI Tutorial Software Inkscape Kicad Electronics Design Suite Kicad libraries by Smisioto Packmage Soundcard Scope Wings3d Synthesis Direct Digital Synthesis explained Electric Druid explains DDS synthesis Waveform Generation using an ATtiny85 Timers Avr Timers – Tutorials by maxEmbedded Setup and Use the AVR Timers