ADSR Envelope Generator

Sequencer, Oscillator, and ADSR (all three are miniMOs)

miniMO's ADSR Envelope Generator is a four-stage envelope generator with independent control over each stage. It also has an Autotrigger mode, which makes it double as an LFO (read more about it here).


Download from Github


  • Four stages: Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release
  • Real time control over every stage
  • Real time modulation of the selected stage
  • External, manual and continuous trigger
  • Automatic Battery check



  • 1&2: Outputs - control voltage (usually for amplitude)
  • 3: Input - modulates the same parameter as the knob, at any given time
  • 4: Input (default) - gate (note ON/OFF) / Output (autotrigger) - trigger


SLAVE (default)

The ADSR outputs the envelope when it detects an external trigger through I/O 4


The ADSR outputs the envelope continuously, acting like an LFO with shape control

  • To set the ADSR to Autotrigger Mode, turn the module ON while pressing the button, and release the button after the battery check

The ADSR also outputs a trigger on I/O4 at the beginning of each cycle


  • Knob: modify the selected parameter
    • When you hop between parameters, miniMO waits until you reach the value it has stored to start effecting changes
  • Single click: toggle between the available parameters: Attack Length, Decay Length, Sustain Level, Release Length
    • The LED blinks 1 to 4 times depending on the parameter selected (1-A, 2-D, 3-S, 4-R)
  • Double click: trigger the envelope once, manually
  • Triple click: bypass the ADSR
    • The LED turns OFF
    • The module ignores external triggers
    • I/O 1-2 both output max value
      • If you have the ouput connected to an OSCillator's volume input, you will hear the oscillator like if the ADSR was not connected


When you switch the module ON,

  • If the LED blinks once, the battery is OK
  • If the LED blinks fast several times, the battery is running low